This is amazing, David. Thank you for posting this. I remember loving the connection Susuan had with the cherries in Japan---the beautiful trees within the Imperial Palce compound, beneath which I photographed her, and also the miraculous cherry-blossom-filled breeze she created when she offered her voice at the shrine of Tsuki-yomi in Ise -- a breeze that swirled around us during her song, only to fade away when she stopped!!! It even shocked the shrine priest who said that we were truly blessed by a "kami-kaze," which means "Divine wind"!!! I wish we had had the chance for one more meeting, but I know that she is and will always be within my heart, and everytim I see the cherries now I will smile at them with her.

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I knew years ago that this tree and Susan’s relationship to it were very special, but of course I did not fully understand where Susan was in her life path and how profoundly the encounter with the winter-flowering tree changed her relationship to life. Great gratitude to you, David, for finding this treasure that so deeply conveys Susan’s essence and being willing to transcribe and share it with others who knew and loved her.

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“Those we love never disappear but become a part of us” how extremely true and powerful your words were Susan ..I love you forever and always ..thank you for sharing this it helps in my journey now …love to you also David …Jo

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May 24·edited May 24

My mother/“Wheezer”/Elizabeth/Susan’s aunt passed last year and her birthday was Sunday. I had not seen her in 4 years due to a combination of unfortunate events, so her passing seemingly did not affect me as deeply as it did my siblings. Susan’s insights in this are allowing me to finally grieve and also realize that my mother is, indeed, a part of me. Thank you for sharing this, David!

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I have been looking for you please call me when you can ..I love you Jo 651 508 7626

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O David, of course, she did not prune her. Each glowing branch seems to lightly touch another so that Cherry Tree is revealed to be a network of blossoming connections. In some seasons more than in others. How apt... I cannot help but count ways our occasional notes to each other connected first at love of cherry blossoms, Japanese fabrics, stitchery, the pronunciation of Japanese names, poetry, grief. Only the lightest of brushes in the breeze, and then envision outward a halo of my own soft brushes with the spirits of others and theirs with others I will never know... Amazing grace, indeed.

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oh Susan are you watching us peering down from the heavens as we read this and feel our hearts expand.

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